Watercolor painting is most desirable art medium for any beginners who want to express his/her creative mental picture into paper. Making art is joyful meditative experience for mind & soul.
My name is Nitin Singh and i'm a professional watercolor artist working with this media over a decades now. After my Fine Art's education in 2002 since then i have been working with only watercolor, making watercolor paintings and teaching watercolor to many aspirants watercolor beginners.
My online watercolor class for all level:
There are several online art class available to hone watercolor skill, all art classes bring good depth understanding of watercolor basics and drawing fundamental. Beginners must take an advantage of online art class and start with simple watercolor drawings or sketches. Beginners focus should be more into watercolor basics first and gradually move into easy watercolor exercises. Over the past few years i'm offering online watercolor class to beginners and semi advance students.
My watercolor art courses categorised as step by step learning process, how to draw object and later how to paint them with watercolor. These sequences bring great learnability to any watercolor beginners; hence this is highly recommended to get familiar with basic watercolor drawings, sketching as preliminary learning from these online art classes. But, enrolling in my watercolor painting courses alone would not help you how to paint watercolor, you need to devote few hours every day to do watercolor exercise, learn to draw, try to draw many small objects for e.g fruits, flowers, books or any object which you see around you. You can submit your watercolor project painting to get constructive feedback & so on. Art courses gives you direction how to be successful in watercolor, but eventually if you do not practice those principles then I think this might be little challenging for beginners to learn watercolor; so, the best practice is find half hour every day to paint and submit your water painting class project to online art class instructor, get your artwork evaluate with me and follow the received feedback. I think online art classes are great way to learn watercolor, because of its wide verity of learning material available and accessible anywhere in the world.
How to paint your neighbourhood in watercolor
This watercolor painting class will help you how to paint simple watercolor composition. A highly engaging basic fundamental watercolor techniques course for those students who just started exploring watercolor.
Magically easy watercolor landscape
In this online watercolor class you will learn how to paint landscape in watercolor with very easy and simple way to express your creativity. This watercolor course specially designed for beginners and semi advance students who wish to paint watercolor landscape more effortlessly. Every step of painting brings tremendous opportunity to learn various watercolor techniques and tips along with confidence building ability while painting watercolor landscape. Please click on the below link to explore this awesome online watercolor class how to paint watercolor landscape!